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Enliven Retreats

Insightful Wisdom Triad Session

Insightful Wisdom Triad Session

Regular price $595.00
Regular price Sale price $595.00
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A triad session is a unique opportunity to have sacred space held for you by both Caroline Hales and Michelle Woolhouse at the same time. A triad is a traditional way of revealing, sharing, and igniting wisdom for the participant and can bring breakthroughs that would take the traditional 1:1 style many multiple sessions. 

We both know that the spirit and soul are never broken, but the human creates barriers, blinkers, blocks, cryptic messages and so many stories which, although justified and seem truthful, keep the person feeling stuck. 

These sessions are: 

  • A coming together of three hearts and multiple points of view
  • A seeing, hearing, listening, and somatic experience 
  • An opportunity to utilise the whole of the nervous system for acceleration of healing and transformation. 

Our role is to listen, mirror back, and support the interpretation of the insights that come to us through you.

We hold curiosity, deep respect, and an open mindset. This allows us to authentically relay any useful information, that will support you to see your situation or disease from a broader or fresh perspective. 

These sessions are less about: 

You disengaging from your own innate wisdom and power or being given advice. Rather we see you as an equal expert and co-creator of your lived life experience. 

You will receive a pre-session form to fill out. Please take time out of your schedule to complete this and make sure we receive it at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. 

You will receive a post-session summation of your session to help guide you in the next phase of your life. 

In order to receive maximum benefit from the session is recommended that you allow time afterwards for integration.

The Insightful Wisdom Triad Session runs for 60-75 minutes.

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“The magic of this process is about learning how to show up for yourself”

  • "It's been 4 weeks since my session and I am feeling so different and have noticed my ability to manage stress is better."

  • "The session was different to anything I have experienced before. The combination of Michelle and Caroline’s feedback offered enormous insight into my normalised responses to the challenging areas of my life."

  • "The triad sessions have supported me to create changes without experiencing guilt."

  • "Through the sessions learned so much about myself and my ability to change the parts of my life that no longer serve me at this time."

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